WP1 - Instrumentation and new data acquisition (Sofia De Gregorio)
In this WP new acquisition networks for atmospheric parameters and geophysical parameters will be set up.
Task 1. Meteorological data (Paolo Madonia)
A new acquisition network of air temperature and atmospheric pressure will be set up on Etna, Salina and Vesuvio and in the external control area of Palermo (Sicily). It will consist of one couple of stations in each site, to be installed one at the base and the other one close to the top of the volcanoes (or the main elevation of the area).
Task 2. Geomagnetic data (Achille Zirizzotti)
Maintenance of the automatic instrumentation for geomagnetic field measurements will be carried out at the INGV geomagnetic observatory in Lampedusa and at the geomagnetic station in Gagliano (EN).
Task 3. Ground-level geophysical and geochemical parameters (Sofia De Gregorio)
Instruments for measuring telluric currents, groundwater and soil geochemical parameters will be deployed.
WP2 - Data interpretation and modelling (Valentina Bruno)
In this WP all the data belonging to the different databases involved in the project will be collected and processed. These data cover approximately 20 years.
Task 1. Analysis of GNSS data for tropospheric delays estimation (Valentina Bruno)
We will perform the processing of continuous GNSS data of Mt. Etna and Stromboli volcanoes that belong to the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - Osservatorio Etneo (INGV-OE) database. Rinex files will be processed to estimate tropospheric delay and Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) parameters and analyse their time series.
Task 2. Analysis of GNSS data for ionospheric TEC estimation (Michael Pezzopane)
RINEX files recorded by the GNSS receiver network managed by INGV-OE will be considered to obtain calibrated ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) values. Once calibrated TEC values are obtained, spectral analyses will be applied to them to look for possible significant signatures of volcanic origin.
Task 3. Analysis of geomagnetic and solar data (Roberta Tozzi)
Geomagnetic and solar parameters data will be collected in order to achieve as much as possible the same space and time coverage of GNSS and meteorological data.
Task 4. Analysis of ground level geochemical and geophysical parameters (Sofia De Gregorio)
Data acquired by the meteorological, geochemical and geophysical networks will be analysed and compared to geomagnetic and solar activity series.
Task 5. Comprehensive data analysis and modelling (Paolo Madonia)
This task will be devoted to the overall interpretation of results. We will compare different time windows linked to both quiet and perturbed conditions of the Earth’s magnetic field for individuating possible anomalous behaviours of tropospheric and ground level parameters driven by magnetic storms. The aim is to search for possible proxies of the interactions between climate and the Earth’s magnetic field on wider space-time scales.
WP3 - Scientific Outreach (Giovanna Lucia Piangiamore)
We will implement different educational games by multi-discipline approach (geophysics, geochemistry, science, literature, art, mythology, etc.) to be played by students in a class, starting from the pre-existing EvoQuest digital game and designing new adventures within GeoQuest:
- a new adventure based on environmental emergencies formation based on the use of a Computer Role Playing Game;
- a new table game which will be integrated with the computer game to have a better and more fun game experience, enhancing the didactic results;
- create some practical experience to be played during the game.
Task 1. Game design and adventure creation (Giovanna Lucia Piangiamore)
This task will be devoted to game design, from overall game ideas to gamification concepts to be applied, table game ideas, interaction with computer adventure game, students’ roles in the game. We will proceed with the adventure creation defining the storytelling and the characters, the adventure tree path, plotting of the adventure, writing of text, choice of images, video, GIFs, etc.
Task 2. Table game creation (Giovanna Lucia Piangiamore)
The flow of the table game is controlled by the adventure computer game which give to the players more engaging. Moreover, we will define probability roles in the game and realize the Table Game Board, Cards, physical game parts (Markers, etc.).
Task 3. Adventure and mixed game test (Giovanna Lucia Piangiamore)
We will test the TROPOMAG games (the new GEOQUEST computer environmental game adventure and the mixer integrated table game) in classes of different grades. Before and after the game, a questionnaire will be given to the game players, to test the knowledge acquired.
Task 4. Web site (Simone Vecchi)
A task devoted to build the website of the project, where information about the investigations going on, as well as results, will be published.
WP4 – Project management (Paolo Madonia)
The work package will include all the activities devoted to project management and will involve all the participants: kick off and periodic meetings on the advances of the project and sharing of results, optimization of scientific activities, accounting of expenses, acquisition of goods and services.