Immagine in GOALS

The main goals of EMOTION are:

1) improve the assessment of deep geothermal systems in central and northern Italy and evaluate the potential heat recovery of the fluids from the main geothermal reservoirs;

2) permit an easy way access to the fluid geochemical data to both stakeholders and scientific community;

3) support and foster the geothermal exploration, especially in the early stages, in order to increase the use of the geothermal resources for both direct and indirect uses, and the extraction of strategic materials such as lithium, rare earth elements and manganese;

4) increase the awareness regard to geothermal energy as a powerful tool to reduce the energy dependence from abroad and contribute to reducing the impact on climate change.

EMOTION consists of four work packages (WPs), which are specifically targeted and integrated each another. 

WP1 addresses the collection and critical review of published geochemical data on geothermal manifestations in central-northern Italy and the identification of data-missing areas to examine in-depth in WP2.

WP2 foresees the acquisition and the analysis of new geochemical data to integrate and complete the existing ones;

WP3 provides the geochemical data elaboration for the characterization of potential geothermal systems in central and northern Italy.

WP4 is devoted to the development of a web portal of geothermal manifestations in Italy joining existing web-portals and projects.