WP3 aims to characterize the: i) fluid sources and the physical-chemical processes controlling the chemistry of the fluid discharges; ii) water-rock-gas interaction processes; iii) relationship between fluid circulation and the structural and geological setting; iv) potential geothermal reservoir temperature, and v) recovery thermal power related to the thermal springs.

For some interesting areas in terms of geothermal potential, conceptual circulation models of the geothermal systems will be elaborated joining the results of the geochemical interpretation to the structural, geological and hydrogeological setting. In this framework, geological sections, maps and deep data such as wells and/or seismic lines will be elaborated by the CNR-IGG to provide solid geological constraints to the circulation models. WP3 is led by INGV-Bologna, with the contribution of INGVRoma1-Palermo, CNR-IGG and the Universities of Florence, Perugia, Genoa and Calabria.