Caterina Montuori graduated in Earth Sciences at the University of Roma, Italy, in 1995, with a thesis on statistic seismology focused on the declustering of seismic catalogs to study the pattern of seismicity as the precursory quiescence.

She obtained her Ph.D in Earth Sceinces at the University of Chieti, Italy, with a thesis on the computation of 3-D P wave velocity model below southern Tyrrhenian zone by using, for the first time in Italy, teleseismic data recorded by ocean bottom seismometers (OBS).

Since 2002, she has a permanent researcher position at "Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia" (INGV), in Rome.

She is specialized in the analysis of the seismic data acquired by OBS and seismometers hosted in the multidisciplinary seafloor observatories. Her research includes studies of statistical seismology on the b-value distribution along fault planes and its relationship with factors that control the earthquake generation processes.

In the last years her work is focused on the study of the main discontinuities in the crust and mantle (Moho, LAB-Lithosphere Astenosphere Boundary and transition zone discontinuites) by P and S receiver function technique.