MARGE is a long-period magnetotelluric (MT) survey that aims at imaging the electrical conductivity structure of the Italian lithosphere in three dimensions (3D), with the purpose of identifying and characterizing major geological structures in the crust and upper mantle. The survey results can be combined with other available datasets, including those on gravity, seismic tomography, geochemistry, and geology. The combination of these multidisciplinary datasets will advance our scientific knowledge of the analyzed region's lithospheric architecture and evolution. 

The MARGE project’s ultimate goal is to use the modeling of solid-Earth conductivity structure and surface impedance in order to map the magnetic-storm-induced geoelectric fields. Indeed, for the purpose of geoelectric-hazard analysis, the combination of impedance tensors and geomagnetic time series from ground-based observatories or models can be used to estimate geoelectric field variation. This will allow the development of capabilities for both real-time and historical mapping of the geoelectric field over Italy as a result of geomagnetic field disturbance. MT impedance that relates geoelectric fields to geomagnetic fields at the Earth’s surface provides a critical missing piece to estimate geomagnetically induced currents

It is nothing but a stroke of luck that the MT impedances obtained from MT survey and modeling are exactly the type of data product necessary for space weather hazard mitigation. This is also why the necessity for nationwide MT impedance coverage is becoming more urgent. Nowadays such data serve the electric power grid industry as well as the solid-Earth geophysical community.