Giovanna Lucia Piangiamore is Research Scientist at INGV. She graduated Geology at the University of Catania (Italy) and obtained the PhD in Geophysics at the same University, with a thesis on “Geomagnetic anomaly in basin opening structures: the Tyrrhenian Sea example”. She got her Master Science in Geophysics at the “Istituto di Geofisica e Ambiente marino” of La Spezia (University of Pisa Consortium, Italy) and her Master in Scientific Journalism and Institutional Science Communication at the University of Ferrara (Italy).

She was project leader in Science Outreach and Natural Risk Education projects: ERiNat - Education on Natural Risk, MaTer - Planet Earth and Sea, M@ter 2.0, EDURISK for Liguria, and the risk communication action E.3. "Know your school: be safe!" of KnowRISK EU project. Currently, she is project leader of CONIRI (Coexisting with natural hazards) in the frame of FCR 2.0 (Future Responsible Citizen) project, she is WP Scientific Outreach leader of the TROPOMAG (Influence of geomagnetic storms on the TROPOsphere dynamics: Can the Earth's magnetic field be considered a proxy for climate change?) project and she also works at the BET-VR (BIG DATA Earthquake and Tsunami Virtual Reality) using Virtual Reality for visualization of Earthquake and Tsunami BIG DATA analysis and dissemination project. 

In the framework of MARGE, she coordinates the Task 7 dedicated to outreach with the creation of the project website for dissemination of key findings, news about its future developments, and sharing of "raw" and processed data resulting from the MT surveys of the project. The aim is to support the project designing information materials as fliers for landowners affected by the measures, as well as for insiders and the scientific community in the field, promoting project results, and carrying on dissemination activities for schools and society at large. In particular, illustrating the Space Weather key concepts also involving School in educational special events and to offer cooperation to companies in industries potentially impacted by effects of Space Weather (e.g. telecommunications, electric and gas grid operators, transportation...) for risk mitigation and co-funding raising for possible continuation of the project.

She is referent of the MUGED Museum of Duronia (CB) and of the active path of discovery on hydrogeological risk and climate change Piovono idee!. She is developer of scientific dissemination products, as the serious games GeoQuest TROPOMAG and Risk detective and video on the geomagnetic field and author of paper both in the scientific field and in didactic-informative experiments (design and management of EAS - Episodes of Situated Learning, geoevents, geoactivity, laboratories, scientific games (team, role and table), exhibitions, active paths of discovery, ...).

She have various responsibilities duties in science outreach programs (main topic: reduction of natural risks and sustainability for schools) as well as coordination and co-organization of scientific outreach venues (Settimana del Pianeta Terra, ScienzAperta, BergamoScienza Festival, Settimana della Cultura Scientifica e Tecnologica MIUR, Genova Science Festival, Rome Science Festival, Futuro Remoto, European Researchers' Night).