Mangiagli Salvatore is a computer engineer specializing in automatic controls. He has gained experience in the design, engineering and optimization of plants and control systems at various levels, both locally and nationally, in various research sectors (monitoring and surveillance of active volcanoes, hazard systems).

In the field of modeling and parameterization of multidisciplinary data, he was involved in the implementation of algorithms based on expert systems for the study and recognition of volcanic explosions. For seismic and volcanic surveillance purposes, it carries out 24-hour garrison shifts in the operations room of the INGV of the Catania Section - Etneo Observatory and computer availability (from 2002 to today). Since 2015 he has been working shifts as a seismologist substitute.

Main assignments conferred:

Since 2001 he has held the position of "Network Administrator" of the INGV Catania Section - Etneo Observatory.

Since 2002 he has held the position of "Webmaster" of the Catania Section - Etneo Observatory.

Since 2003 he has been Coordinator of the "Web Group" of the Section and contact person for the Operations Room Functional Unit.

Since 2004 he has been a member of the Coordinated Transversal Theme (TTC) N ° 21 "Publishing and web".

Since December 2007 and for the duration of three years, he has been the company contact for the training and orientation internship agreement between the University of Catania, the Faculty of Engineering and the INGV Section of Catania - Etneo Observatory.

Since 2011 he has been an alternate member of the Single Committee of Guarantee (CUG) of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology.

Since 2013 he has been a member of the National WebGroup with the role of "System Administrator" of all INGV web servers (, Ambiente.ingv. it,