Ministry of University and Research – Fund for Investments of Central Administrations

Action Lines: Research and innovation activities in research centers – Research and infrastructures
INGV Project: ‘Pianeta Dinamico (Dynamic Planet)-Working Earth’: Geosciences For The Understanding The Dynamics Of The Earth And The Consequent Natural Risks – PD
Responsible: Prof. Carlo Doglioni, INGV President
INGV Coordinators: Paolo Augliera and Guido Ventura

1. To contribute in an innovative way to the storing, sharing and processing of data of all the possible observable parameters to identify the processes governing seismic, volcanic and environmental phenomena. These objectives will be achieved through the strengthening of the INGV observational networks and of the experimental and computational infrastructures. The PD results will make it possible to provide a new reference model for seismic, volcanic and environmental phenomena and their interconnections. 
2. To know the anatomy and kinematics of Earth with special reference to the Italian-Mediterranean area. The final target is to understand the natural phenomenology and the associated potential risks to adopt more effective policies for the safety of the populations and the development of the socio-economic system. 
3. To reconstruct the 3D structure and stratigraphy of the subsoil of Italy and seas through seismic profiles, seismic tomography, gravimetric and magnetic methods, monitoring of crustal movements by refining the GPS network, observation and mapping of the Earth from space; in addition, it is intended to create a hydrogeochemical network at a national level capable of detecting changes in the aquifers, which may record changes linked to terrestrial dynamics and which may prelude earthquakes and eruptions.

PD involves about 200 INGV researchers, technologists and technicians and it is organized in 10 Tasks activated in 2020 and 10 Projects activated in 2021. 
The Tasks focus on research activities related to the topics of the three INGV Departments of Environment, Earthquakes and Volcanoes (Tasks A1, A2, A3, S1, S2, S3, S4, V1, V2, and V3)





 Projects refer to five main themes and cover cross-fields, multidisciplinary activities including multi-hazard analysis. PD has active collaborations with Italian and international universities and research centers.


  • Sea-land interactions
  • Relationships among volcanoes, eartquakes, climate and space
  • Deformation of the lithosphere
  • Evolution of the composition and rheology of the crust, relations between fluids and deformation
  • Monitoring and hazards:from data analysis to models, early-warning mechanisms and multi-hazard/multi-risk estimates



PROJECTS (2021-2023)

KINDLE: KINematics and Deformation of the Alpine LithosphEre

KINematics and Deformation of the Alpine LithosphEre – KINDLE 

PI Paola Baccheschi

KINDLE project focuses on the Alpine area to capture the link between the processes acting below and within the lithosphere and the geological surface features. Independent approaches will be adopted: seismic anisotropy and tomography, receiver function, gravity anomaly inversion, geodetic velocity field corrected for GIA, earthquake-induced stress variations and active fault kinematics. The analysis of existing and new data at different scales will help to catch: the mantle flow pattern in the asthenosphere and lithospheric-scale shear zones; the depth of the Moho and other interfaces, and shear wave velocity profiles; the three-component ground displacement time-series, horizontal-vertical velocities and strain-rates; the state of crustal stress. KINDLE will combine these results to advance the knowledge on the mechanisms that control the lithospheric deformation beneath the Alps and to understand whether the mantle and crust deform coherently or otherwise.KINDLE

 Main methods and products. A) Map of azimuthal seismic anisotropy from shear wave splitting superposed over the P-wave tomography model at 100 km (Petrescu et al., 2020); B) Horizontal (arrows) and vertical (color dots) velocities w.r.t. Eurasia (Serpelloni et al., in prep); C) Angular harmonic decomposition of the receiver function dataset beneath the Ivrea body (Salimbeni et al., under revision to JGR); D) example of CFF variation we propose to produce in this project (here is shown the CFF variation produced by the 23rd of October 2011 Mw 7.1 Van (Turkey) mainshock; Akinci & Antonioli, GJI, 2013).

SERENA:Space weather and climate change: the Solar wind - Earth’s magnetosphere Relationships and their Effects on ioNosphere, and upper and lower Atmosphere at various temporal and spatial scales

Space weather and climate change: the Solar wind - Earth’s magnetosphere Relationships and their Effects on ioNosphere, and upper and lower Atmosphere at various temporal and spatial scales (SERENA)

PI: Mauro Regi

Space Weather events are of great interest for their effects on atmospheric environment and technological systems. At high latitudes where the Sun-Earth’s interactions take place, precipitating energetic particles from the magnetosphere could change the atmosphere and lower ionosphere parameters leading to physical and chemical processes characterized by different temporal and spatial scales. In the ionosphere/thermosphere, space weather events could cause a degradation of HF communications and positioning accuracy in devices using GNSS signals, and determine a stronger air drag which requires recalculation of satellites orbits.
SERENA project aims to improve the monitoring and forecasting of the geomagnetic activity and the response of ionosphere, thermosphere and lower atmosphere systems to external forcing, leading to a better knowledge of dynamic circumterrestrial environments.



PROJECTS (2023-2025)


The PD activities will include the creation of a large infrastructure devoted to the storage of large datasets and virtual machines for the implementation of advances, high-performance calculation resources.


The outputs of the PD research will ensure a significant advancement in our understanding of Planet Earth and the natural processes interacting at different time and spatial scales. These are essential pre-requisites for
a) the shift of our society toward an efficient utilization of natural resources for a sustainable energy development, 
b) a considerable reduction of the impact of natural disasters, 
c) an increase of social and economic resilience, and d) a conscious planning of our future.