ProjectPresention EN

PROMUD (“definition of a multidisciplinary monitoring PROtocol for MUD volcanoes'') is a 3-years (2023-2025) INGV multidisciplinary project, dedicated to the study of mud volcanoes’ activity, whose final aim is to detect precursors and to individuate activity state indicators of the evolution towards a paroxysm. The project integrates analyses of geophysical (seismic, magnetic, geoelectric, environmental radioactivity), geodetic (GNSS and tilt), bio-geochemical (characterization of emitted fluids and vegetation analysis), topographic and geomorphological data recorded in two main study areas, that are both Italian Nature Reserve: Maccalube di Aragona (Sicily) and Salse di Nirano (Northern Apennines).

The research is being performed on data that are being collected by both permanent networks and spot field surveys, and is being carried out by 5 Working Packages (WPs), with their own specific objectives, that interplay and integrate with each other.