In the splendid setting of the Lampara, the final meeting of the UNO project was held in Stromboli from 25 to 27 May 2024. The works were opened by the INGV President Carlo Doglioni on the afternoon of Saturday 25th, as he wanted to greet and thank all the participants for their contribution to the Project.
Afterwards, the work resumed the following Sunday, both in the morning and in the afternoon, and then continued on Monday morning to conclude in the afternoon of the same day. In total, over 35 talks were delivered, divided into 4 sessions (one for each Work Package - WP).
The satisfaction with the works presented and discussed during the meeting was unanimous, and the island of Stromboli, as usual, proved to be a privileged destination for volcano-lovers like us participants in the UNO project. Thanks again to all the participants, and see you next time!