img copertina stromboli

Ordinary activity (spattering) at the N2 vent. October 15 2022. Footage from a drone survey carried out for the UNO Project.

Credits: Tullio Ricci e Riccardo Civico, INGV Roma-1

Stromboli, October 12  2022. A lava flow triggers a pyroclastic flow that descends towards the sea

Credits: Tullio Ricci e Riccardo Civico, INGV Roma-1

Ottobre 9, 2022. Footage recorded by the INGV Observatory (Catania). A pyroclastic flow and a lava flow descending the Sciara del Fuoco and reaching the sea.

The 2007 Stromboli eruption

This documentary illustrates the main events of the 2007 eruptive phase of Stromboli Volcano and the work carried out by the INGV staff in the framework of the Civil Protection National Service.

It was made by Lilli Freda and Piergiorgio Scarlato.

The 2002 2003 Stromboli eruption

This documentary illustrates the topic events of the 2002-2003 eruptive phase of the Stromboli Volcano and the work carried out by the INGV personnel within the Civil Protection National Service. 

The documentary was made by  Lilli Freda and Piergiorgio Scarlato. with images filmed during the emergency; the chronology of the eruption was reconstructed on the basis of their personal experience and of the official INGV communications. The movie was shown to the scientific community during the "2004 General Assembly of International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior" (Pucon, Chile).