wp1 esplosioni a differenti vent attivi 1

wp1 esplosioni a differenti vent attivi 2

Physical and chemical parameterization of the explosive activity

WP1a. physical parameterization through imaging

WP1b. Physical parameterization through acoustics

WP1c. Degassing parameterization through FTIR and UV imaging

WP1d. 3D numerical simulations of explosive eruptions at Stromboli: from parametrization back to observation

To investigate explosion dynamics, we will: 1) intensify multiparametric field campaigns and develop a semi-automatic imaging system for longer continuous recording; 2) deploy a new set of infrasonic and audible microphones, linked to and implementing the existing geophysical monitoring network; 3) deploy ultrasonic sensor that may reveal changes in gas release, overpressure generation, and changes in the rheological/mechanical properties of the rocks in the crater area; 4) study the chemical composition of magmatic gases between and during explosions by OP-FTIR spectrometry and new, high-speed UV cameras. These new multiparametric investigations will increase the chances to capture transitions between eruptive styles and energy and provide a more robust database for cross-correlating different parameters. Observational data will feed multiphase flow models that will allow studying possible expected explosive scenarios.