
EMOTION is a three-year project (2023-2025) that aims to perform a detailed geochemical characterization of geothermal manifestations in central-northern Italy, such as thermal springs, mineral waters and gas emissions. It also provides, a reliable and public national web portal, including the manifestations already examined in the southern part of the country.


In light of this, the ambition of the EMOTION project is to increase knowledge about the geothermal resources of the Italian territory, also to support the geothermal exploration for low, medium and high temperature (enthalpy) resources, especially in the early stages of the potential assessment.


Geothermal energy has had a limited impact on global energy scenarios in the past. However, its role on a local scale can substantially meet energy needs and stimulate the local economy through direct and indirect uses. This concept is particularly relevant for countries with high-quality geothermal resources, such as Italy, where the resources are presently underexploited with respect to their large geothermal potential.

The development of geothermal energy can really represent an important goal in respect to the increase in the use of renewable energy and towards a more sustainable use of resources


The EMOTION project is funded by MUR (Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca) in the framework of ten-year INGV - PIANETA DINAMICO Research-Program.