WP2 is organized in 2 task:

Task 2.1 Planning of field surveys

New samplings of thermo-mineral springs and gas emissions emerging from i) waters (as a bubbling gas phase), ii) punctual emissions, and iii) diffuse degassing areas. The sampling strategy will consider various aspects such as i) the quality of the pre-existing analytical data, ii) the possible lack of information on dissolved or free gases, trace elements, isotopes, and iii) the presence of free access to the site.

Task 2.2 Sampling and analysis of waters and gases

Before starting with the new sampling, all participants in WP2 will be involved in a short geochemical survey to standardize the water and gas sampling procedures. This is necessary, due to the different sampling methodologies sometimes adopted by different research groups, which can consequently compromise the analytical results.

Water sampling includes: i) in situ measurements of temperature, pH, redox potential (Eh), electrical conductivity, alkalinity (or TDIC) and flow rate, and different aliquots for laboratory analysis aim to the determination of i) major elements, ii) minor, trace elements and REE, iii) dissolved gases, iv) stable isotopes (δD, δ18O, δ13C-TDIC, δ34S of sulphate and sulphide), and v) noble gas isotopes (He, Ne, Ar). Gas analysis includes i) chemical composition and ii) isotope analysis (δ13C of CO2 and CH4, δD of CH4, δ15N of N2, δ34S of H2S and noble gas isotopes).

WP2 is led by INGV-Roma1, with the contribution of INGV-Bologna-Naples-Palermo and the Universities of Florence, Perugia, Genoa and Calabria.