WP4 aims to  development the Italian Web Portal of geothermal manifestations guarantying interoperability with previous database. The data obtained from scientific literature review and the new sampling campaigns will be organized into a dedicated database. The database will be made available through a public web portal that will allow a user-friendly exploration of the database. Compared to previous similar online database, the EMOTION project has the ambitious goal to offer an advanced real-time data processing and visualization (front-end) set of tools. Visualization will be mainly spatial-based with an interactive map that will allow to quickly retrieve the main information from each geothermal manifestations. A filter tool will allow to restrict the spatial visualization of the thermal springs based on physico-chemical parameters. A plot tool will allow to display in real-time a set of graphs that can be exported as image or pdf. A geospatial processing tool will allow to calculate contour and heat maps of a specific physico-chemical parameter. Through the use of metadata and interoperable web protocols, we will publish the data and access existing data services. 

WP4 is led by INGV-Bologna, with the contribution of INAF, INGV-Roma1 and University of Perugia.