
Submit your paper to the special issue Fluids and Deformation of Results in Geophysical Sciences, an international open-access peer reviewed journal of Elsevier.
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Fluid Transport and Fluid-driven Deformation in Volcanic and Tectonic Systems
Fluids play a key role in driving deformation of the lithosphere and the involvement of fluids in the earthquake process is demonstrated from previous geophysical, geological and laboratory studies.
Magmatic, meteoric and metamorphic fluids circulate the lithosphere through a combination of hydraulic fracturing, head gradients, buoyancy forces, and diffusion processes. In tectonic and volcanically active areas, the ascent of fluids to the surface may occur passively along permeable fracture pathways or, alternatively, occur actively when pressurized fluids triggering earthquakes and rise to the surface. Fluid migration from depth to surface causes variations in direct or indirect geophysical observations, such as surface uplift/subsidence, changes in gravity and resistivity, increased seismicity, as well changes to the chemical and physical properties of aquifers, springs, and surface degassing. This special issue welcomes contributions from a range of Geoscience disciplines that examine the processes controlling fluid transport and associated deformation in volcanic and tectonic systems.

Guest editors:
Dr. Tobias Fischer, University of New Mexico
Dr. Francesca Di Luccio, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Rome, Italy
Dr. James Muirhead, University of Auckland
To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified for inclusion into the special issue, it is important that authors select “VSI:Fluids and Deformation” when they reach the “Article Type” step in the submission process.