mappa_eventi-WegFig1.jpg Location map of the Matese area  


Rapporti spettrali WebFig3 Fig. 3: S/P spectral ratio.

WP 1.3 - Seismic Source
Participants: Calderoni Giovanna, Roselli Pamela, Scognamiglio Laura

The WP 1.3 aims at studying the Seismic Source Parameters because they are an excellent tool for understanding earthquake rupture kinematics and discovering the existence and the role of fluids in the earthquake generations. We want to discriminate in which events fluids have played a role and verify if we can find a generation mechanics of fluid-driven seismic signals, and their evolution over space and time.

Activity 1: Analysis of Seismic Moment Tensors considering its variability due to potential interaction of the fluids with the seismic source. The goal is quantifying the contribution of both Double-Couple (DC) and Non-Double-Couple components for each seismic source determining the DC, ISO (Isotropic) and CLVD (Condensed Linear Vector Dipole) percentage that each of them contain. The presence of ISO and CLVD indicates involvement of fluids in the source mechanisms (see Fig. 1).



Activity 2: Analysis of source parameters as apparent stress, stress drop, radiation efficiency, rupture directivity, and S/P spectral ratio. These source parameters can be useful for describing the rupture mechanism for shear and cracks ruptures and may suggest the involvement of fluids in the source mechanism.