
FURTHER Publications



Cucci, L., A. Tertulliani, and C. Castellano (2024). The Hydrological Impact of Historical and Modern Earthquakes in Central-Southern Italy: Data Analysis and Seismotectonic Insights, Seismol. Res. Lett. XX, 1–17, doi: 10.1785/0220240234

Morabito, S., Cusano, P., Nardone, L., and Petrosino, S., 2024. A model for the hydrothermal tremor source of the Mefite d’Ansanto (Italy) CO
2 non-volcanic emissions in the intermediate frequency band (1–15 Hz). Sci Rep 14, 19480.


Diaferia, G., L. Valoroso, L. Improta, and D. Piccinini, 2024. A high‐resolution seismic catalog for the Southern Apennines (Italy) built through template‐ matching. Geoch. Geophys. Geosys., 25, e2023GC011160.



Calderoni, G., L. Improta and R. Di Giovambattista, 2023. Investigating the Role of Fluids in the Source Parameters of the 2013–2014 Mw 5 Matese Seismic Sequence, Southern Italy. Seismol. Res. Lett.,

Alfonsi, L., C.A. Brunori and L. Cucci, 2023. Mapping and chronological classification of marine terraces along the southern side of the Sibari Plain (northern Calabria, Italy) by means of digital and analogue tools. Journal of Maps, 19:1, 2243983, DOI: 10.1080/17445647.2023.2243983.

Milano, G., S. Morabito, A. Gervasi and P. Cusano, 2023. Towards the crustal structure investigation in the area of Mefite d’Ansanto (Italy) by using equalized teleseismic waveforms. Bull. Geoph. Ocean. Online first.

Castellano, C., L. Cucci, A. Tertulliani, 2023. Reappraisal of Data of Hydrological Changes Associated with Some Strong Historical Italian Earthquakes. Geosciences, 13, 55.


Morabito, S., P. Cusano, D. Galluzzo, G. Gaudiosi, L. Nardone, P. Del Gaudio, A. Gervasi, M. La Rocca, G. Milano, S. Petrosino, L. Zuccarello, R. Manzo, C. Buonocunto, F. Di Luccio, 2023. One-year seismic survey of the non-volcanic gas emission site of Mefite D’Ansanto (southern Italy): Preliminary Insights in the Seismic Noise Wavefield. Sensors, 23, 1630.


La Rocca, M., D. Galluzzo, L. Nardone, G. Gaudiosi, F. Di Luccio, 2023. Hydrothermal seismic tremor in a wide frequency band at Mefite d’Ansanto (Italy). Bull. Seismic. Soc. Am.,




Di Luccio, F., M. Palano, G. Chiodini, L. Cucci, C. Piromallo, F. Sparacino, G. Ventura, L. Improta, C. Cardellini, P. Persaud, L. Pizzino, G. Calderoni, C. Castellano, G. Cianchini, S. Cianetti, D. Cinti, P. Cusano, P. De Gori, A. De Santis, P. Del Gaudio, G. Diaferia, A. Esposito, D. Galluzzo, A. Galvani, A. Gasparini, G. Gaudiosi, A. Gervasi, C. Giunchi, M. La Rocca, G. Milano, S. Morabito, L. Nardone, M. Orlando, S. Petrosino, D. Piccinini, G. Pietrantonio, A. Piscini, P. Roselli, D. Sabbagh, A. Sciarra, L. Scognamiglio, V. Sepe, A. Tertulliani, R. Tondi, L. Valoroso, N. Voltattorni, L. Zuccarello, 2022. Geodynamics, geophysical and geochemical observations, and the role of CO2 degassing in the Apennines. Earth-Science Reviews, 234, November 2022, 104236,


Marra, F., A. Frepoli, D. Gioia, M. Schiattarella, A. Tertulliani, M. Bini, G. De Luca,  M. Luppichini, 2022. A morpho-tectonic approach to the study of earthquakes in Rome. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 2445–2457,


Tertulliani, A., and L. Graziani, 2022. A critical overview of the January-February 1703 seismic sequence in central Italy.  Bull. Geophys. Ocean, 10.4430/bgo00396


Rossi A., Castellano C., Graziani L., Maramai A., Tertulliani A., 2022. Materiali per un catalogo dei terremoti italiani: revisione di alcuni terremoti presenti nei bollettini macrosismici del XX secolo. Quaderni di Geofisica,


Cucci L., and F.R. Cinti, 2022. In search of the 1654 seismic source (central Italy): an obscure, strong, damaging earthquake occurred less than 100 km from Rome and Naples, Appl. Sci. 12, 1150,


Tertulliani, A., L. Graziani and M. Locati, 2022. Nuovo studio della sequenza sismica del 1703 in Italia centrale. Quaderni di Geofisica, 178, 1-578,


Akhoondzadeh, M., A. De Santis, D. Marchetti, and T. Wang, 2022. Developing a Deep Learning-Based Detector of Magnetic, Ne, Te and TEC Anomalies from Swarm Satellites: The Case of Mw 7.1 2021 Japan Earthquake. Remote Sens. 14, 1582,


Cucci L., 2021. The resizing of the most powerful Italian instrumental earthquake (September 8, 1905, Calabria region, Southern Italy). Annals of Geophysics, 64, 6, SE658,

De Santis A., D. Marchetti, L. Perrone, S. A. Campuzano, G. Cianchini, C. Cesaroni, D. Di Mauro, M. Orlando, A. Piscini, D. Sabbagh, M. Soldani, L. Spogli, Z. Zhima, and X. Shen, 2021. Statistical correlation analysis of strong earthquakes and ionospheric electron density anomalies as observed by CSES-01. Nuovo Cimento, 44, 119, 10.1393/ncc/i2021-21119-1

Pan X., C. Long, H. Zhou, R. Battiston, A. De Santis, D. Ouzounov, X. Zhang, and X. Shen, 2021. Pre-earthquake ionospheric perturbation identification using CSES data via transfer learning. Front. Environ. Sci.,

Sabbagh, D., M. Orlando, L. Perrone, G. Cianchini, A. De Santis, and A. Piscini, 2021. Analysis of the Ionospheric Perturbations Prior to the 2009 L’Aquila and 2002 Molise Earthquakes from Ground- and Space-Based Observations. URSI Radio Science Letters, 3, doi:10.46620/21-0063.



Castellano, C., and A. Tertulliani, 2020. Studio e rivalutazione del terremoto di Sulmona del 25 agosto 1905. Rapporti Tecnici INGV, 425, 1-38,