Research articles


Carfagna N., Brindisi A., Paolucci E., Albarello D., Seismic monitoring of gas emissions at mud volcanoes: the case of Nirano (northern Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 446 (2024) 107993,

Giambastiani B.M.S., Chiapponi E., Polo F., Nespoli M., Piombo A., Antonellini M., Structural control on carbon emissions at the Nirano mud volcanoes – Italy. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 163 (2024) 106771,

Brindisi, N. Carfagna, E. Paolucci, M. Salleolini and D. Albarello, 2023. The fine structure of seismic emissions from the Nirano mud volcanoes (northern Apennines, Italy): a phenomenological study., Bull. Geophys. Ocean.,

 Nespoli M., Antonellini M., Albarello D., Lupi M., Cenni N. & Piombo A. (2023). Gravity data allow to image the shallow-medium subsurface below mud volcanoes. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL103505.



Conference abstracts


Morabito, S., Aquino, I., Augusti, V., Bellucci Sessa, E., Caputo, T., Costanza, A., Cusano, P., Fertitta, G., Madonia, P., Petrosino, S., Ricco, C., Albarello, D., Ambrosone, A., De Tommasi, N., Di Maggio, C., Falanga, M., Mancini., S. (2024). Investigation of crustal transients with seismological, tiltmetric and geo-environmental monitoring of Mud Volcanoes in the frame of PROMUD Project. 39th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Corfu, Greece, 22–27 Sept. 2024.

 Madonia, P. and the The INGV-PROMUD team: The INGV-PROMUD Project: multidisciplinary monitoring of Mud Volcanoes. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-15574,, 2024.

 Cusano, P., Madonia, P., D’Ajello Caracciolo, F., Felli, C., Grassa, F., Nicolosi, I., Pesci, A., Petrosino S., Sciarra, A., Aquino, I., August, V., Bellucci Sessa, E., Bonfanti ,P., Capasso, G., Caputo, T., Caracausi, A., Caracciolo, C., Carluccio, R., Cascella, A., Costanza, A., Etiope, G., Ferrari, E., Fertitta, G., La Spina, A., Loddo, F., Massa, M.,  Minelli, L., Misiti, V., Napoli, L., Pisciotta, F., Ricco, C., Spampinato, L., Tamburello, G., Venuti, A., Albarello, D., Ambrosone, A., Ciotoli, G., De Tommasi, N., Di Maggio, C., Falanga, M., Mancini, S., Mazzini, A., Piombo, A., Rizzo, A., Teza, G. (2024). PROMUD Project – multidisciplinary monitoring of Mud Volcanoes in: SEISMICITY, VOLCANOES, DATA AND MODELS, Session 1.2 Volcanoes and geothermal fields, book of abstract GNGTS 2024.

 Romano G., Antonellini M., Patella D., Siniscalchi A., Tallarico A., Tripaldi S., and Piombo A., Fluid conduits and shallow-reservoir structure defined by geoelectrical tomography at the Nirano Salse (Italy). Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 23, 2719–2735, 2023.